Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project #5


  1. Hi there Abigail! I enjoyed looking at you google presentation. First of all, I love your dogs!! I want a dachshund so badly and I have heard they make such loyal pets. Are they hard to train and do you know of anyone in the area who is breeding? You seem like you have traveled a good bit by all the amazing photos who have taken. I like the sunset photos, they are beautiful. I moved to Mobile from Birmingham and one of the perks of mobile is the ability to go fishing. I like your fishing photos. Are there any types of fish that you like to catch the most? I was excited to find out that you are a Bama fan because I am also a Crimson Tide Fan. Just by looking through your photos on your Google presentation, you seem like such a sweet and outgoing person. I think you will be an excellent educator and I wish you luck in EDM310 this semester!
    Emilie Rinehart

  2. Hey Emilie!
    I absolutely love my dogs! Dachshund do make great pets, but they are extremely protective. Lily does not like loud noises or strangers walking into her house. Once you establish a relationship with one of these puppies, you become theirs and they get jealous very easily. I do not have kids, so I cannot tell you how they are around babies. Yes they are VERY hard to potty train. Lily is 4 and Ellie is 2 and we still have accidents in the house. Dachshunds are very stubborn, so breaking a bad habit is difficult. As of right now, I do not know anyone around that has puppies. Although I love my dogs, they were both gifts and I'm not sure were they came from. My favorite fish to catch is probably Red Snapper or Flounder, but honestly, anything fish that puts up a good fight is my favorite. Thanks for the encouraging and nice comment! Roll Tide! Good luck in EDM310!
